Terminals are a key part of the route to market for produced hydrocarbons. Genesis has extensive experience in ensuring that this key infrastructure performs as required.
Onshore terminals typically form the interface between upstream production and downstream operations. They are required to reliably deliver high specification product and provide storage to bridge the gap between variable upstream supply and predictable downstream demand.
We have a long track record of onshore facilities and extensive experience in dealing with issues such as:
Exacting product specifications
Logistics and construction challenges
High availability targets
Shallow water marine structures such as jetties
Proximity to populated areas
Often located in environmentally sensitive coastal areas
Tighter cost margins as a midstream player.
Terminals also play a key role within the midstream supply chain. As LNG plays an increasingly important role in the energy transition regasification facilities will become ever more critical.
Genesis offers significant experience in this developing area with particular focus on challenges such as:
Low temperature product transfer systems
LNG reception and buffer storage.
Genesis expertise in this area stretches from early conceptual engineering through commissioning and operations support to late life brownfield rationalisation studies.