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Gen-Clarity™, Understanding your impacts on tomorrow, today


Understanding your impacts on tomorrow, today

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What is Gen-Clarity™?

Gen-Clarity™ brings together our sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) skills and expertise into one place, providing a robust approach to managing impacts. The suite of tools allows our clients to:

  • Identify sustainability/ESG related impacts of a project or a product 
  • Establish a catalogue of abatement options and screen against predefined decisions and ranking criteria
  • Develop and manage a hopper to implement feasible opportunities

Bringing clarity to decision-making

ESG and sustainability performance are driven by diverse stakeholder needs. Our unique blend of strategy consulting and technical engineering allows us to leverage technology and strategic partnerships to tailor support to our clients. Our standardised approach can be applied across differing regulatory landscapes, providing our clients with clear insights into how business decisions impact their sustainability journey.

Bringing clarity to decision-making

Manage priorities
Interactive alignment and framing sessions at duration and cadence to suit project size

Map the journey
Collaborative engagement to identify key impacts and associated abatement options

Understand impacts
Screened and prioritised options implemented to mitigate impact of project(s)

Gen-Clarity™ features:

The toolbox

Established methodologies

We employ well-established methodologies, such as our Impact Reduction Framework, to systematically identify and implement strategies that reduce environmental impact. 

Trusted calculations

We utilise in-house carbon assessment tools, CEE&C (Carbon Energy Environmental and Cost Model), and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) Product Carbon Certification to deliver accurate and reliable calculations of carbon emissions and environmental impacts.

Web-based tools

We offer user-friendly web-based tools to easily track and manage carbon footprints. These tools provide real-time data and insights, facilitating informed decision-making and proactive environmental management.

Alliances and partnerships

We have strategic alliances and partnerships, including with the Open Group's Standard Data Platform. These collaborations allow us to integrate high-quality data and best practices into our processes.

Adherence and knowledge of international standards, protocols and guidance

Our team is well-versed in international standards, protocols and guidance such as the ISO 14000 family of standards for environmental management and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our methodologies and calculations align with globally recognised best practices, providing credibility and reliability to our clients.

Gen-Clarity™ is applicable to all sectors and industries at all phases of the lifecycle.

Our impact reduction framework

Our impact reduction framework

Alignment on priorities to define decision and ranking criteria

Identification of relevant impacts, mitigation options and their dependencies with operational processes

Reduction of impacts via tangible plan to execute feasible options using robust project hopper management techniques

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